Over Grown

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Global Moderator ⚒️
Apr 12, 2009
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Hi guys, I have a bit of a problem with my planted tank so I thought I'd come and ask for some advice :)


Here is the tank as it was a couple of months ago, when I was really pleased with it. The problem is now that everything has grown so much, there are roots everywhere and plants are starting to die, especially my red lilies (Which I'm beginning to hate). The roots on these lilies and the other plants are huge, and I'm a bit concerned that if I start taking out plants, it'll break off the roots. The roots will rot if left in the tank, won't they?

I think that the plants are killing each other now, there are roots everywhere, even on the surface of the substrate. I don't feed any fertilisers, but my bottom substrate is one of those slow release fertilisers which so far has been fantastic. I do realise now that I have way too many types of plants in there.

I also have algae growing on some of the plants and bogwood; I'm hoping to get a bristlenose plec for that in the very near future.

So basically, what I guess I'm asking is, will I have to pull everything out of the tank (rock, slate, bogwood) in order to remove the unwanted plants? And if so, would it be safer to remove all of my fish whilst doing this and do a completely new aquascape?

Thanks for any answers and ideas.
can you lift out all the plants, half them at the roots, trim the roots, put them back in, and sell off the remainder? :unsure:
I can do that with some of the plants, but on others the leaves are rotting faster than I can maintain :S Which is what has led me to believe that they are killing each other.
The other thing is that the roots have grown under the bog wood hence me wondering if I'm going to have to take everything out.
Do you use ferts and co2? Maybe you need to up the dose of ferts to stop the rotting? just an idea.
i guess all you can do is take out some of them, and have a look around the bogwood to see what the situation is. most plants are pretty hardy so if you have to cut a few roots to get them out, its not that likely they'll die, they'll just have a settling in period before flourishing again.

well thats my view anyway ;)
No I don't use ferts and cO2 unfortunatly- I keep trying to save up but can't afford it with uni >.<

I've just gone and investigated properly in the tank, and my god I found the problem :crazy: I had to take everything out of the tank because my largest red lilly plant spread over half the tank. It's roots were even growing into the bogwood.

So I've taken quite a lot of plants out, and I'm much happier with it now ^^ Less is more I'd say.

And I have quite a lot of plants left over, including some huge vallis :3

I'll get some pictures up of the monster plant in a minute :rolleyes:
Looking at the picture of your tank, I`d say you`re doing pretty well without ferts or CO2
Shoot I've been looking for some taller background plants myself :p, specifically vallis since I have lower lighting. :p But good find with the red Lilly and hopefully everything flourishes again. The tank looks good.

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