Over eating pictus?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 30, 2005
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I have a tank with gouramis and a few LARGE dalmation platies. I also have two spotted pictus in there. I didn't know my dalmation was haivng her babies so soon (or she would have been put in the small tank). Apparently she had them last night. One of my three year old sons spotted two black babies swimming at the top this morning. I scooped them out and put them in the smaller livebearer tank. I found no more. One of my pictus seems AWFULLY bloated looking this morning. His stomach is HUGE! I'm assuming that he ate alot of babies. (The gouramis didn't seem too hungry this morning either). The dalmation is a big girl so I am betting that she had between 20-50 babies. My question is will my pictus be ok? Can they really overeat?
Pictus normally always over eat and bloat themselfs, this is normal behavour, you may find that they might not eat anything for a couple of days and youll see the stomach gradually reduce in size ready for them to pig out again.... :p
Try not to feed the tank very much. Fish are always "hungry" and even a bloated one will go after food. The other fish should do fine without food for 3-4 days until the fat Pictus thins out some.
my pictus 's seem to have a high metabolism. i feed like twice a week because they always seem to get the other food for my other fish

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