Out With The Old


New Member
Jun 28, 2006
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Calgary, AB, Canada
I went out today and picked up an Eheim 2028 Pro II because my old Fluval 404 is getting of age, making all kinds of weird noises, low flow and air leaks galore. When I hooked up my Eheim I was astounded - probably because I've been working with a broken down Fluval for so long. Lets just hope I get some years out of my Eheim but so far I'm quite impressed:

- Very Very quiet
- Priming was a Breeze (one press of the button)
- I purchased the Better Input pipe and output spraybar (not using the stock one) Super easy to connect
- Very strong current, I had to turn it down a little in my 77 Gallon

So far, Day 1 is a happy day. I'm going to run both the Fluval and the Eheim for a few weeks together to get the bacteria colonies matured in the Eheim, then I'm probably going to retire the Fluval.


Might be worth cleaning the pipe work on the fluval. Mine has been up and running for 5 years no problems. However inside the pipes lots of gunk can accumulate.

Why not transfer all of the media from the fluval filter, into the eheim. Instant cycle.
Gr8 i have been looking for a quiet external for a bit now how quiet is it and do they do any for about 30-40 gallons also how much? cheers :good:

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