Out Of Curiosity..


New Member
Aug 19, 2005
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Southern California
I just got a ten gallon tank for really cheap and right now Im thinking about what i can do with it. Im still a beginner in taking care of aquariums but i really want to try to keep a salwater aquarium, but ive read that a ten gallon is probably too small for a beginner. Out of curiousity...is it possible to make a saltwater aquarium with just a few fish in a ten gallon tank or should i just make it a freshwater tank? thxs
You can..it's called a nano reef. It requires a lot of attention and excellent water husbandry. 'A few fish' is out....only 1 fish, or two if they are extremely small. SH
Its do-able, you can add 1 or 2 tank bred clown fish but certainly no more, stockign for marine is different than trops.

You will need

Live rock for bio filtration, about 5kgs worth
One or two powerheads for circulation.
Lighting depends on corals but generally nothing too expensive for the easier to keep corals.

It isnt going to be cheap, so have a think
Im thinking of a ten gallon nano. Normally the hood that came with the tank uses 2 incandescent bulbs, I will subsitute those for compact flourescents. I might put two very small gobies or clowns in it.

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