Out of Curiosity

Dont even think about putting corys in with goldfish. As you will probably start off with the goldies and the corys being the same size it wont stay that way for long.
The goldfish grow big fast, and even at a small size they can easily fit a full grown cory into their mouths.
If a goldie has the misfortune to swallow a cory it spells death for the cory and the goldie will be in agony from the sharp fins, and extracting one means cutting the corys fins off usually.
There are some corys that can go into cooler water but most are tropical tank fish.

What temperature are you going to have your tank at? even having something like a siamese algae eater is risky as that can become dinner as well.
For eating food off the bottom of the tank the dojo/weather loach makes a good companion.
For algae control, a bristlenose plec can handle cooler but not cold water but has a huge waste output.
Hong kong plec is a good addition for a coldwater tank and should be big enough to stay out of trouble. A hillstream loach is slightly smaller but is fast and again could become dinner.
Oh never thought a fancy goldie could fit a 5 cm fish in the mouth :crazy: But if that's the case then. Off the list they are. Was just thinking about adding something different to the tank :*)

About the Hong Kong Pleco, are they sold in Australia? Never seen them. My water temp is around 20C or 68F
You would have to ask your lfs if they stocked them or could get them. A bristlenose should be ok at that temperature.
Ask in the catfish section, someone should know.
I have had bronze cories in with my goldfish for the past year, never had a problem with them eating the cories. Bronze, albino and green cories prefer the cooler temps. Just make sure when you buy the cories that you get good sized ones.

Just because you havent had any problems meg, it doesnt mean it wont happen. I have read the stories of people who have lost both fish because the goldie hoovered one up. Once a cory goes into the mouth or throat it sticks both pectorals and dorsal fin out and these are as effective as fishing hooks. The only way to get the cory out is to cut it out and then if youre really lucky, you will have a goldie with a sore mouth at best.
If you want to take the risk then thats up to you.
People chance bettas with other fish, people chance paradise fish with other fish, people chance a lot of fish with other fish that normaly wouldn't be compatible. I have only heard of a goldy getting a cory stuck in its mouth once, and, IMO, there is only a slight chance that this will happen. Heck, anybody who keeps fish in an aquaruim is taking a risk. Examples are diseases, heater malfunctions, filter malfunctions, fish jumping, fish eating other fish and etc. I'm not saying people should go stick an oscar with a neon, I'm just saying that doing things that don't usually work out is not always a bad thing. I understand why people wouldn't keep a goldfish with a cory, but I don't think they should go around saying to never ever try it. I don't mind if they say that they highly don't reccomend it or something. Yaa...end of speech.
Meg the chances people take with bettas or paradisefish are a totaly different matter. With those the problems start gradualy. You can usualy see them coming. Even if you don't, you can usualy salvage the situation. It's not like that if a goldfish swallows a cory. Having said that, I don't think people should take risks with the bettas or paradisefish either. It's their lives we're talking about. Anyway, it doesn't matter... Goldfish should not be kept with tropical fish - that includes cories, plecs etc. or anything that they could swallow once they get to 10" - and even 'fancy' goldfish can reach this size.
I was told not to house a cory with my clawed frog...... -_-
No kidding!
I've actually been thikun' lately about gettin a few cories for my goldie tank, but I didnt 'cause "someone" told me I couldnt "cause the goldie will eat it".
I have oto's housed with my goldies, and yea, they are small compared to my goldies, and yes, they probably could eat them, but do I think they will.
maybe in the wild, or in a pond a goldie would think of a small fish as a snack, but in a tank, raised from fryhood on?
Not sure bout that.
Maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe the fish are the only ones to answer such a question.
Speakin of that, Im gonna' go ask Mr. goldie if he wants to eat my oto's and/or future cories....................

Nope, he said the more the merrier!
I think I'm a gonna get some cories for my goldie tank Friday! (I'll make sure I get the ones that prefer temps in the mid 70's)

Oh ya, sorry 'bout all the "slang" or "shortform" I used in the message, I'm under the impression some folks dont take lighty the use of such slanderous speech. :whistle:



Please forgive me for my insanity, I hate my job and I'm only half way through the week. :crazy:

I give up.

You want a cory you get a cory, not my problem.
I will of course refer you back to this thread when/if the time comes you want help geting said cory out of goldies mouth.

Meg, the fish you are on about, one wont eat the other. The oscar will eat the neon if it can catch it the same as the goldie will eat the cory if it can catch it. Dont see the difference myself.

J_acon, the choice is yours. Play with fire and get corys, or stay safe and get something big.
Or be a devil and get a glass scraper :hyper:
black angel said:

I give up.

You want a cory you get a cory, not my problem.
I will of course refer you back to this thread when/if the time comes you want help geting said cory out of goldies mouth.

Meg, the fish you are on about, one wont eat the other. The oscar will eat the neon if it can catch it the same as the goldie will eat the cory if it can catch it. Dont see the difference myself.

J_acon, the choice is yours. Play with fire and get corys, or stay safe and get something big.
Or be a devil and get a glass scraper  :hyper:

Is all :cool: i was just wondering, since i got a few cory's that can go into the tank with the goldies, but they can stay where they are. :D

Another dump question, would the bristlenose attach itself to the slow moving goldie?
You have your opinions and I have mine...can we just leave it at that?
J_acon, the bristlenose is fine with the goldies, but if they try to eat the food hes on then he will chase them.

Meg :)

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