Out Of All The Plecos Under 8 Inches


Knowledge talks while wisdom listens.
Aug 17, 2006
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I want a pleco for my 20 gal and I was wondering which one I would come accross the most and for the least amount of money! :good:
Shops sell bristlenose for around 10 to 12 bucks, breeders will let them go for 3 or 4. They are the most common small plec.
Okay, my lFS has a lot of em, thanks guys!
Actually around here I've seen more rubbernose plecos than bristlenoses. I think I paid $7 for mine.
Yes but with their low temp. requirements it can make it kind of rough for other tank mates.

Hmm...I keep mine at about 75F (24C). I've heard they need 72-79F, and other sources say 75-80. Have I been misinformed? If I have I'll do whatever it takes to make him comfortable. However, if they can indeed be kept in these temperatures its really not much of a stretch for most tankmates.
Petco has begun to carry Candystripe plecos. they;'re $8. only get to 3 inches.
Petco has begun to carry Candystripe plecos. they;'re $8. only get to 3 inches.

I was at petco yesterday and they had two clown plecos. They were labled as clown plecos, and I believe it was correct. Were the ones you saw labled candy stripe? Are you sure they're not clowns? Not to say they couldn't carry both but that would be strange. They are so easily confused. It doesn't really matter that much since they grow to be the same size. I think the cany stripes are a little bit cuter, though. :)
Well I saw clown plecos at petco as well. I have a clown pleco that I got at my lfs, and it is definatly an actuall clown pleco, so I am sure the ones at petco are clown plecos. :)
I dunno, maybe they have both. :/

You'd think if a chain like that was going to have two varieties of plecos they'd pick two kinds that weren't quite so similar.

Either way, both are very attractive, the same colors, and grow to the same size. So petco would be a good place to check for a small pleco. I was seriously considering going back and getting one or two, but my filter is leaking on the tank they need to go into. :-(

my lil buddy is soooo cuttteeee though.

But even if he is cunning... I'm worried about alfred eating him :/
But he needs to stay in the tank with mature media.... untill I can put it back in a week.... :no:

my lil buddy is soooo cuttteeee though.

But even if he is cunning... I'm worried about alfred eating him :/
But he needs to stay in the tank with mature media.... untill I can put it back in a week.... :no:

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