Our Trip To London


Fish Herder
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada
Well...as some of you know...xXMrBonesXx and I went to London and I mentioned that I was going to bring home 2 female bettas..which I did....but.....I also brought home someone else :shifty:

Here are some pics:

This is one of the females with my male and female swordtail, she looks green but she's actually blue :X although...the green does look pretty cool :fun:


Here's another one of the females...now my male and female swordtail are hanging out with her instead...unless they like their picture taken :lol:


and now....here is the other one I brought home, I had to get him, I fell in love :wub:
His fins look green in the pic, but they are supposed to be white -_-


Woah, big pic, sorry about that :*)
interesting.. they look good...

i hear you also brought home a 5g tank lol.. how is that working out..

and hey.. u named a betta after me :rofl:
actually nibbles, you named yourself after my betta (his name has been Nibblez for a long time :lol: ) in that pic his tail is all ripped up cuz he had finrot but its starting to grown back now :D

and yes i did get a 5 gal. tank, its working out good :thumbs:

thanx for the replies guys ;)
yes, change ur name nibbles, my betta doesnt like it when someone copies him lol :rolleyes: just kidding

I think that might have been the most pathetic thing i've ever said in my life :lol:

i've had them for a long time now :D
xXmrbonesXx gave me the male swordtail so my female could have a boyfriend :lol:
they follow eachother EVERYWHERE so i think their in love :hey: :rofl:

either that or he's a stalker :shifty:
ive had enough fun with names (believe me)

yea if i was the fish id prob be mad to know that a geek like me had his name
:D i used to have a swordy tank, with like 12 wordtails and they schooled, it was so funny, they had a whole 10g and they would all b in one corner jus chillin :D

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