Our Tank

Munkys Mummy

New Member
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score

how do the fighters get on as it seems you have a male and 2 females most people would probably advise you not 2
They dont bother about each other, Miagi the male likes to display at the females but they just swim away from him :hyper:
he is no displaying to them he is treatening them, i would remove him if i was you and one of the females is showing stress stripes which is not good :no: otherwise nice tank
Very nice setup! I like the decorations and the fishies color variety! :clap: :clap:
he is no displaying to them he is treatening them, i would remove him if i was you and one of the females is showing stress stripes which is not good otherwise nice tank

These fish have been in that tank since March and the stripey beta was stripey when we got her
These fish have been in that tank since March and the stripey beta was stripey when we got her

she probably was, my 4 were but now there all fully coloured, one took a little longer because she didn't enjoy the busy tank i kept her in so i seperated her and she didn't like that either so i got some new decore and added her back to the other tank and she loves it, it could be because you only have two the other might be bullying her or even the male might be, i have had mine with guppies since february but they turned on one which i then removed, thats the thing with bettas they can change in an instant, i personally would remove the male and if you have enough space get another 2 female, but if you think they are fine as they are then fine :good: you'll have to come show them off in the betta section
These fish have been in that tank since March and the stripey beta was stripey when we got her

she probably was, my 4 were but now there all fully coloured, one took a little longer because she didn't enjoy the busy tank i kept her in so i seperated her and she didn't like that either so i got some new decore and added her back to the other tank and she loves it, it could be because you only have two the other might be bullying her or even the male might be, i have had mine with guppies since february but they turned on one which i then removed, thats the thing with bettas they can change in an instant, i personally would remove the male and if you have enough space get another 2 female, but if you think they are fine as they are then fine :good: you'll have to come show them off in the betta section

That is so true. :nod: Nice tank :good:

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