Our New Pond...


Fish Addict
Jun 18, 2004
Reaction score
California, U.S.A.
We just had a pond put into our backyard a few months ago and it is truly GORGEOUS. (I'll try to post some pictures soon.) I believe it's around 100-175 gallons, but we have never calculated exactly how big it is. It has a waterfall at the top which pours into a small pond (25g, maybe?) and then that flows over a ledge into the main pond at the bottom. My questions are as follows:

1. It has a pretty bad algae problem even though it is stocked with many (healthy) plants. (Floating and rooted.) What should I do to counteract this? BTW- the algae is very stringy... almost like java moss.

2. My parents want to put koi in the pond (big LOL) but it is definitely too small for them. As of right now there are lots of mosquito fish happily living in the pond (20 or so) and the pond is completely cycled. Are there any goldfish that would live happily in a pond of that size? Another option would be to stock it with a few baby koi and then sell them back to the LFS once they get too big.

3. We want to put a turtle in the pond, but are unsure of how to go about it. Would he need a tank to go in at night?

Anyway, I would appreciate any input you have!
Sounds like blanket weed and theres products on the market that are supposed to get rid of it. The best thing is UV which kills it.
As for fish, you could maybe get 4 goldfish but no koi as they they just wouldnt have the room to grow and would be stunted.
Turtles eat fish so you couldnt have them both. Im sure it could stay in the pond overnight.
Thanks for the response! Is there any way to hook up the UV so that people wouldn't be able to see it? The water gets pumped from the bottom pond up the back of the fountain where it then cascades down a waterfall. Would I be able to put the UV in the back of the fountain where it pumps the water up to the top? Also, what kind of turtle would be best for the pond? We don't care if he eats the fish. :p
Thanks for the response! Is there any way to hook up the UV so that people wouldn't be able to see it? The water gets pumped from the bottom pond up the back of the fountain where it then cascades down a waterfall. Would I be able to put the UV in the back of the fountain where it pumps the water up to the top? Also, what kind of turtle would be best for the pond? We don't care if he eats the fish. :p
I think you have to put the "uv" inline but before it goes through the filter so the filter foam can collect most of it before the water is returned to your pond.
Oh...just noticed that you dont mention if you do have a filter or not.
I don't know if it's technically considered a "filter", but the pump at the bottom of the pond has a large sponge in it that the water goes through before it gets pumped up to the top of the waterfall. Would it be a good idea to get an actual filter to put in at the back of the pond?

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