Our New Plecos- And A Question About Growth Rates


Fish Crazy
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
We have got our 300L up and running and have purchased some lovely plecs they are all small at the moment and some are in quarentine.

L001 - Mr Pleccy
Pterygoplitchthys joselimaianus about 2.5" including tail

L240 - Nos

vampire plec about 3" including tail

Chocolate ancistrus -Mr Chocolate
about 1.5" including tail
He/she is a bristle nose colour variant as far as we know.

They will all eventually be living and growing up in our 300litre Tank 20"wide x 20"tall x 48"long once quaretine etc is over.
So proud of our pleccys they do make us smile. :)
Just sorted links bloomin photobucket LOL!!!!! Could not get it to let me insert the image will keep fiddling. :)
Links still not working.....
Try copying the IMG code from underneath each picture and pasting each one in your post...
Should work :dunno:
Uggg works when i preview the post. Bear with me will try something else
Think I have sorted it not sure tho, signed out of photobucket and can still get the links to work from here think i was using the wrong URL link one is for sharing one is not two under the pics in there. I am such a technophobe!!!!
How long will these plecs take to get to full size and what is their growth rate? They will be shortly moving to out 300L to grow up in :)
Any advise appreciated :)
Mr Pleccy will grow at about 1" a month... upto about 8" then slow down...

Mr chocolate shoud be full grown in about 6-8 months (5-6" if its a male and 4-5 if its a female)

as for Nos I'm not sure - but it'll probably be slower that the others (quite a lot slower)
Thanks Smithrc. Love the plecs in your sig The zebra is gorgeous my hubby would love one but they are a nightmare to get hold of. There is one on ebay at the moment for £45 and going up with only 10hrs left and we are close enough to go and pick it up! But not sure on compatibility and as we plan to have 5 peppered corys Mr Pleccy, Nos, and Chocolate in the 300L we are not sure we have room on the bottom level. Ho hum it might have to be the one that got away...
Thanks Smithrc. Love the plecs in your sig The zebra is gorgeous my hubby would love one but they are a nightmare to get hold of. There is one on ebay at the moment for £45 and going up with only 10hrs left and we are close enough to go and pick it up! But not sure on compatibility and as we plan to have 5 peppered corys Mr Pleccy, Nos, and Chocolate in the 300L we are not sure we have room on the bottom level. Ho hum it might have to be the one that got away...
Your Plecs are lovely! :wub:
Zebras are quite rare and people generally keep them in a group for breeding purposes to help bring the numbers back up.
By all means keep an eye out for some but you are best buying a group and seeing if you can breed them yourselves.
Take a look at Zebrapleco.com to get a better idea on their needs. ;)

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