Our New Boxer Pup

I love that last pic he looks so cute. I nominate it for pet of the month, good luck for the second nomination
Aaaw, :wub: , what a cutie pie. He is too gorgeous. I love his tiny baby pic, what a sweet little thing.

Keep us updated with pics. He is most handsome. I second the nomination for the last pic.

:wub: :D
I love Boxers but my old dalmatian is terrified of them :( .She was seriously attacked the first night that she went into the dog training classes when she was 6 months old and that made her terrified of them and i have never been able to get her over that fear

He really is gorgeous though :wub:
I love Boxers but my old dalmatian is terrified of them :( .She was seriously attacked the first night that she went into the dog training classes when she was 6 months old and that made her terrified of them and i have never been able to get her over that fear

He really is gorgeous though :wub:
aw poor dog, its not nice having a dog go at your own, bless her :/ , because Wilsons so friendly and wants to meet everyone, man and dog, i do worry the same thing will happen to him and then he will become worried of other dogs.
hope everyone dont mind,
but ive bumped this old post as ive added pics of wilson and enya whos our new rescue girl :good:

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