Our Fish with Bettas


Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2003
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My son has a Male Betta in a 5 1/2 gallon tank..and he is wanting to put 1 or 2 other fish in with him..what fish could I out in there with him? He sorta wants guppies (which I am breeding) But the man from the pet store said that a betta will fight them? and I read that other people have guppies with Bettas..So I am really confused, can someone help??

I would say do not add guppiesto the tank. the betta will tear them to shreds. I keep 3 albino corry's in a 5 gallon tank with my betta. and when my work tank finishes cycling I will put about 10 ghost shrimp in the tank with him.
my betta has lived with 4VERY long finned guppies for about 4 months and he's NEVER touched them.NEVER. he doesn't even mind that they top feed with him & they sometimes try to horn in on his betta food or special treats, all he does is swim to the other end of the tank so I can feed him alone :wub: , don't be mistaken and assume he's a pushover because it's quite the opposite, he's done his fair share of killing in the past (4 fish,1 snail, and tooo many shrimp to count), but NEVER a guppy (and trust me I wouldn't mind if he DID take one or two out , my daughter simply won't let me bring them back to the lfs so I guess they're staying with us, they're just so busy all the time and distracting :rolleyes: )
but I have heard people recommend no guppies with a betta, I guess it depends on whether you have a REALLY stupid betta or one who can tell the difference between a fish of his own kind and a fish that's clearly not like him
OMG I put my Male Molly in the tank with my sons Betta and "Bubba" (thats what I cal him) tried to fight him...My Molly didnt know what to do, he was so scared he couldnt move, so I hurried up and got him out of there before any damage was done..So I guess "Bubba" is one Betta that cant have any tank mates LOL....I was funny though :lol:
aaaww that's too bad , good thing you were right there to save the molly though. Guess Bubba prefers to have the place to himself :lol: I have a solid red betta with a REALLY bad attitude, all he does is flare at his reflection and swim right into the side of his tank...HARD, so I wouldn't even attempt to put him with other fish, I gave him a ghost shrimp once and he cracked it in half ,like he was at red lobster, within a few minutes :rolleyes: .
But at least you tried and now you know...so I guess your stuck with that bully of a molly :lol:
I think it's easier to keeps bettas with other fish in a large tank - that way there are plenty of hiding places. In a small tank it might be better to have only the betta coz they're quite terratorial and regard the whole of the tank as his.
The only thing that sucks is that when you go out to buy a beta fish, they are usually in a small cups and it's kinda hard to know what their personality are since the don't move around much. Is there any tricks on knowing which beta may have a good loving personality? Or is this more like "take your chance" sort of thing? :huh:
Will Work-
gourami (probably)
platy (for sure)
neon tetras (for sure)
cardinal tetras (for sure)

Fish that WON'T work-
Black Skirt Tetra (it might work, it doesn't work for me)
Any fish with long fins and that's colorful won't work
A friend of mine had a betta shredded by neons, so I'd never recommend putting one with neons.

Corys are definitely safe from a betta, and so are cherry barbs (and vice versa).
I think it's easier to keeps bettas with other fish in a large tank - that way there are plenty of hiding places. In a small tank it might be better to have only the betta coz they're quite terratorial and regard the whole of the tank as his.
Thats a good point the larger the tank the more hiding spots. This allwos the betta to set his territories and gaurd them (Fish will learn).

A friend of mine had a betta shredded by neons, so I'd never recommend putting one with neons.

Neons and tetras are fine with bettas like I said before all bettas are different but generally there great with neons, danios, corys....

my betta has lived with 4VERY long finned guppies for about 4 months and he's NEVER touched them.NEVER.

Thats quite amazing...most bettas hate anything with long colorful fins they get jealous...but like I say all bettas are different.
I heard too that neons will destroy your Betta. I would try a few ghost shrimp in with Bubba. Their really inexpensive, if your son's paying, and are suppossed to be great with the Bettas. Their really hardy too. I'm getting a few ghost shrimp for my Betta in a week or two.

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