Our First Pleco


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
So we were in Petsmart yesterday getting a few things, and of course I had to go and check out the fish.
Well I spot the Bristlenose Plecos and just for some reason.. I HAD to have one.
I've never wanted a pleco before. Honestly, they creep me out lol.. but for some reason I couldn't resist. I'm sure the fact that the tank is overun w/ algae probably stirred me to get one lol.

So yeah.. now we have a "cute" little 2 inch pleco in our 28gal tank.
I did some reading and saw that they like lower pH, but our tanks sit at high 7's. It seemed fine after I put it in the tank. Colored right back up and started exploring. So will it be ok with higher pH? I know alot of fish will adjust to whatever, but I just want to make sure this little fella will.

Also, I saw in another thread that you should have some bogwood for them? Is this necessary? We have decor and real plants in the tank.

Aaaand yeah, I know I had more questions, but I'm tired and can't remember what they were :p lol
The pH will be fine, it will be a tank bred one rather than wild caught so a stable pH is better than trying to artificially lower what you already have.

There is some debate as to whether wood is essential, i always use it in a plec tank but would only consider it a must in a Panaque or H. cochlidon complex tank. Feeding something like courgette (zuchini) is a viable alternative imo, the algae in your tank is not enough to sustain the fish on its own.
I would place a piece of Bogwood in the tank!
I have lots, and I mean lots of bogwood in my tank, some I have covered with Java Moss. I think I have around 5 large pieces and a few smaller bits scattered around, they all cost well over £35 each.

My BN only ever get flakes and bottom feeding pellets. I have never fed them veggies probably due to the fact I don't eat them so neither do they!!

Before anyone says you need to I will disagree.

My breeding pair spawn every 3-4 weeks, produce around 80 fry and have a 80% success rate. Both my brown BNs and my Albino BN show no signs of poor health, they are playful, come out during the day and constantly rip up my Java Moss carpet!!!

I have always wanted to try a feed them some form of veggie but have never got around to it and I now have a 'ain't broke, don't fix' it mentality
Thank you all for the info.
This pleco seems to be very happy in the tank as far as I can tell. Whenever I see it, it's always moving around and is alot more active than I thought it was going to be.
Guess I was just so used to seeing the unhappy inactive ones in the petstore that that is how I thought they were, only moving around every once in a while lol.

I fed the tank some flakes in the morning and BOY did it get excited. It kept going to the glass, then to the floor, then to the decor, back to the gravel, back to the glass, and so on lol.

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