Ouch! My Midas Cichlid Bites The Hand That Feeds It


New Member
Mar 2, 2009
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While I was lovingly rearranging the plants in my aquarium ***** Fish (a King Midas Cichlid) decided to perform a sneak attack. Hercules (also known as ***** Fish when I am angry) sunk rows of needle sharp teeth into my knuckles leaving me with two serrated strips matching his upper and lower jaws.

Sadly, I had to give the guy away on craigslist. (The bite was unrelated. He grew too big for my tank.) Hope the Jerk is happier in his new 80g tank.

It must of heart.

Does that fish have teeth?
go hercules lol
He's got lots of little needle-like teeth. The bite isnt deep, but it easily breaks the skin. He got me once on the elbow too with similar results.
Whoops. I guess I should have posted this in the Old World Cichlids forum...
Haha maybe... but I was also considering that my Midas was a Lake Malawi Cichlid.
haha evil fish ...that snothing compaired o what happened to me at my mates house he has a nice big green spotted puffer i think and the little effer latched onto my finger and litrally took a chunk from it with his beak the little swine
Did you ever have Nine Inch Nails playing for him to hear?
yeah my midas did that once to me was the last time too, now I just use a algae scrubber and chase him off with it if I have to stick my hands in the tank

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