

Dec 7, 2004
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Currently I have 3 ottos in a 20g aquarium. They've been in residence for about two weeks. They're really interesting creatures, sometimes they form a group on the glass and follow eachother around, it's awesome. It's good that all of them are alive and I would like to keep it that way. I have some questions for the most kind TFF folks:

- If there's regular algae (just green+brown, not thread or brush) in my aquarium, do I still need to feed algae tabs?

- What garden veggies will they eat?

- Will they eat leftover flake/live food?

- If I end up needing to medicate, should I consider these fish "scaleless"?

- Is three enough for a planted 20g or should I get more?


You don't need to feed extra algae tabs, but I usually toss one in every couple of days for the hell of it. My rams love them.

Cucumber, zuchinni.. I haven't really tried anything else.

Yes, they're scaleless.. you can't use salt with them.

I'd think 3 would be enough, but 5 wouldn't hurt. I have 3 in a 15 gallon.
The biggest problem with ottos is lack of food and water temp. I usually have a guide line of 1 otto per 5 gal of water. Even that is not enough for them. They are great cleaners and ifyou have more than 1 per 5 gal of water add extra foods for them.

Ideal temp is a stable 80 degrees, my only otto is for my freshwater puffer tank. But when I notice that the otto has cleaned everything completley I turn him back into my 25 gal till more stuff appears in the 5 gal. This eliminates me adding extra foods for him and I have been doing this for almost a year with the same otto.

Good Luck .... :)
Thanks everyone. :) I guess I'll get some algae tabs today. I wouldn't want to starve them like I did my pleco, or so I thought. I got this clown pleco and it died a week after. It looked emaciated as it had the sunken belly, but it turns out it probably had some parasites :/. Either that or it was starved before it got here so it didn't have the bacteria in its stomach to help it digest food even if it did eat. So now I'm paranoid about keeping my fish well fed. I'm still unsure about whether they will graze on leftover flake/live foods like plecos. Any thoughts?
I have not seen my otto eat flaked food. But then again I have lots in my tank and on my live plants for my otto. I think if you were worried I would use the algae wafers. If they are large wafers you can break them in half and put in half at a time. Your other fish will pick away at them too. I would recommend that you drop these in your tank when the lights go out so the other fish don't beat the ottos to their dinner.

Good Luck
I too have never seen them go after flake. Algae wafers they like. I would be wary of overfeeding. I'm of the opinion that it is almost always better to feed less as leftover food decays and causes the aquarium to become unstable. I like check it out.
I have 3 otos, too that I've had for three weeks now. I was also worried about keeping them because of all I've read about how delicate they are. I have a moderately planted (I would say well planted, but I've seen some of the tanks you guys have!) 30 gallon tank and they are constantly sucking on plants, rocks and glass. Contrary to what others have said, I have seen my otos go after flake. Maybe this is a sign that they aren't getting enough food but I dont' think so. They all have nice little round bellies. As long as they have a little curve to their tummies they're probably doing fine.

Oh, by the way, it's not like I'm starving the little guys either. I do drop a spirulina based algae wafer in the tank every two or three days or so. It works out pretty well. First, the bristlenose smells it and comes out to suck on it for a while. Once he's done or sometimes even before he's done, some of my tetras nibble on it. The bn can never eat the whole thing in one sitting so eventually, the otos find it and pig out. I never find any leftovers the next day so I know it's getting eaten.
When I dropped in some flakes today, the ottos found them. Never seen it before, but I guess you see something new everyday.

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