

Fish Crazy
Jan 11, 2007
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i have 3 ottos and did have 4 but one misteriously disappeared ... i looked everywhere and who knows but anwys i have 3 and wondered how u tell from males to felmales would be appreciated its being housed with angelfish right now
and do they be housed with angel fish or this a no no
I don't know about the angelfish thing (although i would imagine the oto's would be fine), but how long did you have the oto's for and is there any fresh algae growing in the tank?
ive had them for a mth and i put the algue rocks from 10 gallon so they get fresh grown algue from them and they get algue tablet ive seen them eat them along with shrimp pellet if the do manage to get what the angel fish dont eat it on them they are piggies i swear they are starving
If you've only had them a month then that could partly explain the deaths, oto's are notorious for being difficult to acclimatise successfully to tanks- the reason for this is because many are half starved by the time they end up in the petshop. Put the stress of a lack of food on top of being made to acclimatise to a completely new tank set up after being bought, many oto's don't make it.
Another reason is because they have a beneficial bacteria in their gut which helps them digest their food and get nutrients out of it, some people say that when the oto's starve during transport they start to lose this beneficial bacteria, which can make it even more difficult for them to gain weight again after being bought. On the plus side though, if you buy a large group of oto's they will help transfer the good bacteria to each other, and help each other regain their strength (they are also sociable fish and do best in large groups).

My guess would be that the oto's death was down to either;a
a. Lack of nutrition in its diet from being starved in transport to the petshop and then not acclimatising well to the new tank.
b. Internal bacterial infection, which can cause sudden deaths in fish.

My advice would be to only feed the oto's algae wafers and pellets after the tank lights have been turned off so they have more of a chance of eating them, and to buy more oto's (another 2-3 would be good) and to treat the tank with an anti internal bacterial med (like "anti internal bacteria" by interpet) to be on the safe side :thumbs: .
If you have angels in the 10gal, they will certainly outgrow it as time goes by, do you have a larger tank lined up for them when they outgrow the current one in the near future? How large are the angels at the moment and how many of them do you have? Depending on their size, i would advise planning to upgrade their tank very soon.
they are in the 25 tall with the oto and i only lost one never saw it again but it was one of the smallest unless hes hiding pretty damn good then so be it and when i got theses .. they were in lsf for 3 weeks so i knew i had a better chance with these guys and i do plan on getting more but they are hard to get i will keep trying as i like them but i was told the angels may eat them when bigger so i may move it but i dont know what aglue eater can fit in the 25 gall thoguh i was told rubber nosed stay about 5 inches so may be my best bet ....
and as for the otos will they be able to fit in the 90 gal with the clown who is only 2 inches if that inch half at the least ... pleco common 4inches and bunch of cories
the swimming fishes are 5 paradise fish at 3-4half inches and 3 opaline and rainbow shark 2 platties ... now i notice thatt he shark only bothers the pleco cause its slightly bigger than him but they ignore him most part ... i v had him for last 5 mths and dh loves him so he wont be rehomed hes staying where he is not hurtin anyone at the moment and let me know the minimum sized tank for him if i have to move him
i have a 10 gal that is slowly covered in algue where i put the rocks in there to build up aglue and then put in the 25 gal for the ottos so i wont lose them they are fattening up so that good sign and i do see them eating
they eat flakes , veggie tabs , aglue ,, and shrimp pellets so im happy and i will get those anti parasite fish food as i dont want to treat the tank every time i do i lose somebody i was told the fish food meds are best way to go and to put blanched garlic and that helps to rid parasite

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