
Nick Bramley

Fish Crazy
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
i have a 30l tank and my plec has just died and seems this is a small tank i thought maybe getting a few ottos would be a better idea, how many of them is it best to have? would say three be ok?

Thanks, Nick
3 is okay, you should probably get 5 or so though, they are much happier with their own and produce very little waste
I agree with the above... Any ideas why the plec died, as these can be fragile little fellas that like a nice mature tank.!

thanks for your help both of you.

sorry i actually worded that wrong, i already have two little guys and wondered if it was best to have 3, 5 etc. i will get a couple more today.

as far as my plec goes i was devastated, id had him for about 10 months and he was lovely. all my water stats are absolutely fine, no problem there. might sound silly but he didnt seem himself for a few days, lieing on the bottom more than usual (he was usually quite active), and then he just went into the corner and died.

the only thing i can really think is when i first got my two ottos was when i thought his behaviour changed a little, a few times i even caught the ottos latching on to him although they soon moved when he did, i didnt think anything of it as he's never seemed to bother when my male molly has the odd nip at him, he just seemed to headbutt him away and for quite a while the molly wouldnt go anywhere near him so i assumed he wouldnt get stressed out by the otto's but maybe he did and that caused it.

to be honest the reason im not getting another plec until i get my 90l tank is because the last one i had was pretty much my favourite fish and it upset me quite a bit


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