Ottos Kept In A Non-planted Tank

Mako Man111

Jun 11, 2006
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I only ever see my ottos nibbling on the algae on some of my plants in my planted 20 gal, but If I were to move them to an unplanted 5 gallon tank, would they survive? I've tried to feed them algae pelets and bloodworms and stuff but have never seen them eat it, the same is the case with flake food. They would be housed with a betta who I know doesn't mind them, because he currently is with them and some zebra danios in my 20.
I have a good group in our community tank of otos and have seen them eat algae off everything. I have actually witnessed mine eat cucumber, defrosted shrimp, blood worm, shrimp pellets and algae wafers.

But I do think they need the plants in the tank. Ours spend most of their time resting on the plants or eating. I have one that hardly ever leaves her leaves.

The plants are also necessary for breeding, mine spawn under the leaves. As well as for hiding when they want to get away.


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