Ottos And C Orys


New Member
Oct 22, 2006
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Lancashire GB
Hi i have a fairly heavily planted 300l tank that was just giong to be a speices/planted tank.
At the moment it is stocked with just 6 juvenile wild angels and 4 ottos, (i did have 10 algae shrimps but the angels soon saw to them :rolleyes: )
The tank has a 2'' sand substrate, temp 26 ph 6.5
i was thinking of adding another 6 ottos and getting some corys, but can ottos live with corys? if so what type of cory would be best suited to live with the angels as they can be quite aggresive?
I would be getting a minimum of 10 or is this too many?

Cheers in advance :good:
Otos and cories are fine together, they dont compete for food as the cories feed on left over food on the bottom, and the otos eat algae off the plants/ornaments. I keep cories and angels together with no problems, but if your angels are particularly aggressive I think the otos might be in more danger being much smaller than cories. ;)
The cories may also be picked on by the angels. Especially at feeding time. I used to have 2 smallish angels in my tank with cories and oto's and they didn't actually attack the cories, but did chase them off for their food. I also have shrimp and the angels never bugged them. So if your angels saw to your shrimp, they'll probably do worse to cories and oto's (providing they can catch the oto's).

Most oto's don't bother with commercial foods, but I have found with my females, especially before breeding, that when I feed shrimp pellets to the cories, they will join in and eat as much as they can.

Thanks for the info.
The four otos i currently have dont get bullied at all by the angels. They just swim in the plants or onto the bogwood and on the glass.

The tank has a 2'' sand substrate, temp 26 ph 6.5

Now this could be a problem. Unless your sand is being moved constantly then you will end up with a nitrate build up. This will kill your fish; most keepers with sand in their tank will only have a inch or so. I think you need to remove some sand.

Um if it is heavily planted then you can keep both with no problems, but make shore that all the fish get their share.

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