Otos are a kind of catfish. Chinese algae eaters are more like the 'sharks' and are also known as 'sucking loaches' and 'golden algae eaters'. All their names are misleading - they aren't loaches, aren't true algae eaters, they aren't even chinese! Basicaly, no, they aren't the same. Otos are small, peaceful 2" fish that love algae, are pretty much strictly herbivorous and like to be in groups. The only downside to them is that they can be fragile. CAEs eat algae when they are young. They get to 10", grow increasingly aggressive as they mature, hate others of their kind or similar looking fish and, once they reach about 5" in length, can be a real hazard for tankmates. They suck on other fish' slime coat, they take out eyes and eventualy they eat small fish altogether. They deffinately kill and cause havoch anyway, that can be said for certain. Some people might say these are good community fish but those people also haven't kept mature CAEs. IME, and I know others agree, they are terrible tankmates for pretty much anything and don't like each other either. Their size also means they aren't suitable for most average community tanks. To tell a CAE apart from an oto (besides size), you'll notice that otos have a single, slightly blotchy but straight line running down the length of their body, through the eye and up to the tail. At the tail there is a large blotch or dark spot and the color is usualy a darker grey above and near-white below. In contrast, CAEs have a distintly jagged, zig-zag stripe and spots in the tail (otos have some markings here too but they aren't little speckled spots like those of the CAE). Also, the body shapes are distinctly different though you need practice to tell sometimes. Something else to look out for is the pectoral fins (the ones behind the gills). These are small and transparent in otos, big and usualy quite opage in CAEs.
I'll try and get some pics in a minute.