Otto Strange Behavior?


Fish Crazy
May 16, 2005
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ontario, canada
i have 4 ottos in a, for now, lightly planted 20 us gal tank. i have seen them swimming to the surface and floating upside down for a couple seconds then swimming back down and going about thier business. what would cause them to do this? iv had these guys a couple weeks now and they seem to be settling in just fine and getting nicely plump too. if anyone has any experience with this let me know asap. im really worried about them.
Is this activity constant, or random?

It could be they are taking in atmospheric air to aid digestion. Corys are well know for this, but other catfish do it as well.

I would check you Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia levels, ensure they are fine, as keep up a good water change regime.

Does the tank has a fully working filter with the water in the tank is constantly moving?
Do you use an air stone to keep up the oxygen levels? (This isnt always required, I only use one on my 120gallon)
its random acts really. i ahve a fluval 104 at high rate so the water is constanly moving and there are a few plants in there so im sure the oxygen levels are fine. these guys seem to be gorging so maybe they are just aiding in thier digestion.

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