Otto Cat Behavoir


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2008
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Well I just picked up a pair of these otto cats for the first time and I'm wowed at these fish! I love them as in my new favorite fish. The 2 I got are so active and awsome I mean I have the in my 30 gal with giant danios and the GD's will go see what there doing and then my ottos turn around and chase them even though they are like an 8th of there size. I love them and will soon get 3 more so I have 5 there just so cool. But I've never had them before and was wondering what there natural behavoir is? I have a 30 gal with 1(and soon to get another) Pearl gourami, 5 giant danios, 1 swordtail, 3 neons, and 4 med loachs. Everything I have I've read won't eat them since there 1inch, but I love now.
Ya the 2 I have are very very active and they like the company of other fish it seems.
I'd get another two or three, as they do better in numbers. Just take care to acclimatise them slowly and try to pick plump ones in the LFS - that will mean they're eating properly after their journey to the shop.
i had 4 otos and they were always hiding, so i sold them. they were excellent algae eaters though. just remember that a fat oto is a happy oto. :)
Personally I will never have ottos again. What is the point of having a fish that you only ever see clinging in a crevice in your bogwood.

My ottos did start out as being relatively active but that only lasted a few days.

They are fat but I am not happy. :lol:

When they die I will try an SAE (not CAE)
Ya know you may have not had good experiances with them but for some reason mine are so active also to add colorful. Their eating well and my petsmart does a pretty good job with fish. I'm gonna get more soon so they'll be everywhere.
My ottos are active, always eating algae off the plants and rocks (not much from the glass tho). I love watching them, I think they are great and am planing to buy some more.
My ottos are active, always eating algae off the plants and rocks (not much from the glass tho). I love watching them, I think they are great and am planing to buy some more.

Finally someone who appreciates them too. Also wolfwolf good luck with the SAE, hope it dosnt attack your other fish.
My two ottos are 100% algae eaters. They never eat anything else I put in the tank for them, even courgette, cucumber and algae wafers. They don't do a lot to be honest, just cling to the glass for hours on end, but they seem happy enough!
My ottos are active, always eating algae off the plants and rocks (not much from the glass tho). I love watching them, I think they are great and am planing to buy some more.

Finally someone who appreciates them too. Also wolfwolf good luck with the SAE, hope it dosnt attack your other fish.

True SAE's do not attack other fish. You are thinking of chinese algae eaters

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