Sorry can you say that in English ? ;)
I really do not have a clue what you mean :)
okay people usualli put gravel in their tank so can i dun put them inside but in the filter so that my water to be hard for my otocinclus
ok, I might just be dim because it's Friday but I'm still having trouble understandng exactly what it is you want to do or say - just bear with me :)

Are you saying you want to put gravel inside your filter ? if so, why ? :/
And what do you mean by "water hard for my otocinclus" ?
okay gravel is to put in the tank
most catfish need gravel(stones(tiny)
because it can make the water hard
can i just put the gravel in the filter
so that hardwater is produce or put gravel in the tank
The gravel won't make the water hard. :/ I wouldn't put any in your filter for fear of damaging it in some way. What would you do if you don't have gravel on the bottom of the tank? Leave it bare?? :blink: My catfish have a sand base as gravel can damage their whiskers. I take it as you have guppies in there already it's a cycled tank etc? Do you have any substrate, plants etc?
OK, I think I understand somewhat better now.
Gravel (normal that you buy in the fish shop) won't and should not in any way change the hardness of your water.
I would not add gravel to a filter as it and probably would damange it.

Why do you want the water harder ? What is your KH GH and PH like ?

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