
Dana C

Fish Crazy
Nov 7, 2005
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I would like to add some otos to my tank and would like to know if they get on with cories? some people seem to say yes and others no, I am getting very confused.
It is a 180 litre tank and I have 6 cories aswell as some other fish which don't stay on the bottom.
Are there any fish which won't get on with otos?
Do otos need anything special in the tank like wood or caves? and do they like real or fake plants best?

Sorry for all the questions I just like to make sure before I buy any fish.

Corys and otos will be fine together, i had them together for over 4 years without problems, the otos rarely go to the bottom, just for algae wafers really, they spend most of their time on the glass and on plants, I have bogwood in the tank and they seem to like sitting on that too. They spend a lot of time in the open in little groups and don't hide much like some of the bigger plecs do.

Mine are now in my loach tank with bristlenose plecs and a farlowella. The only fish that would bother them are possibly some of the territorial plecs, and aggresive fish which may eat them. In your 180, id get 6, make sure they don't have sunken bellys when you buy them and that they have been in the shop for at least a week, they don't ship too well so you may be better getting 8 in the hope that 6 survive. Also tanks that have been running for more than 6 months generally have a better oto sucess rate. When i had them in my cory tank, the pygmy corys would shoal with them. I'd like to put them back in with the corys but they are impossible to catch in a 5 ft tank :D

Emma :)
Thanks for your reply,
My tank has been running for 6 months so it should be ok. I thought otos were suppose to be friendly but if I am told different I start to worry. I saw on one website there is a zebra type, will it be ok to mix them?
Now I just have to find a local shop that sells them.

They would be fine to mix, if you find any cheap zebras let me know :D the only place i've seen them in the UK is on trimars list at £20 FOR 3 then theres £10 postage on top of that.

Emma :)
And Wholesale Tropicals in London (for the zebra otos) - but they're even more expensive @ around £8 each + postage :X
Wow, I didn't know they would be so expensive might just buy some normal ones for now but keep a look out for the zebra ones. The thing is I really like the look of them.
If I do find them at a cheaper price I will let you know.
Thanks for your help.

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