

Jan 11, 2005
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I brought home three otos this weekend and very carefully acclimated them to their tank:

10 gallon -- which has been running for 5 months
Visible algae supply
Ammonia and nitrite at zero
Nitrate at 5-10 ppm
Moderately planted
Temp at 77F

There were 6 black neon tetras in the tank which I moved into the 20 gallon so the otos could have the tank to themselves.

I noticed tonight while doing a routine water change that one of the otos has ich (white spots). Up until I changed the water (35%) they were acting pretty docile - just hanging out on the plant leaves. But immediately after refilling the tank (with dechlorinated water), they went zinging around the tank like crazy. After an hour they quieted down - but still more active than usual. So:

1. I'm unsure what the best ich med is for otos -- any suggestions?
2. Why were they acting so crazy after the water change...were they just being otos or were they stressed?
Could be due to stress. I am not sure if the otos can stand a tempature raise or not, But the best way I have found to treat ich is to raise the tempature to 85 degrees and leave it there for a week or so and also do small daily water changes 10 percent. But you need to make sure the Otos can stand it that high,, But this way is a lot less stressful on your fish, I hate using that ich medicine. It stresses them out to much for me.
Hmmm not had to treat mine not entirely sure. Personally I avoid ever raising the temp in my tanks. Makes the fish lethargic and grumpy. Don't imagine them having issues with protozin meds (which I have used in several different tanks for different fish successfully). Even at full dose they should be fine on that. If you're not sure try a half dose and keep an eye on them. If they seem to be reacting badly simply do a w/c and put active carbon in the filter. It'll clear it out nice and fast.
I hope someone with better experience can offer better help tho. :)

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