i have two in my 5 gal with my dwarf puffer. i bought them 4 days ago and so far they havent eaten. theres no algae yet and they dont take algae tabs...i tried cucumber too and it was untouched...is this normal?
Oto's from what I see are very picky eaters. Somehow my otos are still alive and yet I dont see them eat myself. I toss Zucchini and Brussels sprouts in my tank with 2 types of algae pellets and it seems to work since there all alive. Although I sadly did loose 1 Oto to unknown causes. But i have had 2 of my otos for 2-3 months now and the other 2 for a few weeks. My Dp tank has crazy algae so I may toss 2 of them in there myself.
I have never had any luck trying to keep otos in a new tank. It seems that they will only eat live algae and new tanks just don't have any. On the other hand, they will take a nasty green walled tank to sparkling clean in fairly short order.