Otos - Tank Bred?


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
St Albans, UK
Does anyone know anywhere in the london (UK) area that sells tank bred ottos?? I have been looking for a while for my brown algae infested 7 gallon (current inhabitants a betta and a ramshorn snail)
I can't find any anywhere! And was today told they were seasonal, but I assume that's for wild caught?? I don't know, I know I don't want wild caught after reading they are caught using poison.

All this algae and noone to eat it.
my LFS always have them tank bred so it must be wild caught. you could try using something else for the algae e.g snail
have you thought about buying online??

I've bought a betta online but I don't think I want to get an oto online, they're more delicate. I want to see that they're well fed and healthy, not guaranteed online. I think there's only trimar to choose from anyway.
you could get a small bristle nose pleco just to clean it up and then either keep it in a biggere tank or take it back.
Either way, the poisoned otos will breed, and i tihnk that will probably effect their offspring too. The only way to avoid getting otos with poison in the, is to go out and catch them yourself :p . JK, but seriously, wouldnt the poison effect their babies too?
you could get a small bristle nose pleco just to clean it up and then either keep it in a biggere tank or take it back.

I've thought about that. I tried bns once when I was a noobie, they died unfortunately (tiny tiny babies they were). I'm not so big on buying fish you know will get too big though, its not fair on the fish.
woah, they worked FAST! woke up this morning to a squeaky clean tank.
i got a trio (still babies, if they start to get a bit big i can spread them out through my other two new 6 gallons)

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