Otos & salt ??


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
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Hi. I am having a huge problem with brown algae. I have read that Otos may be helpful in reducing this problem, but my tank contains salt for my platys & guppies & I have read that salt is not good for catfish. Is this true for Otos? Thanks.
I am not 100% sure but I think that salt would be considered bad for otos. However, I keep mollies and I don't use salt with them, but I don't know about guppies.

What are you nitrAtes like? How long do you have your lights on? There could be another solution to your algae problem.

My nitrates are 0 & I have my light on for 11 hours/day. My 25 gallon came with a 20 watt (that's the max for it) bulb. My tank has a fair bit of fake plants & has been running for about 12-14 weeks now.
Michele said:
My nitrates are 0 & I have my light on for 11 hours/day. My 25 gallon came with a 20 watt (that's the max for it) bulb. My tank has a fair bit of fake plants & has been running for about 12-14 weeks now.
Hmmmm 0 NitrAtes is very good :)

Would you consider putting some live plants in there? They would use the same nutrients as the algae and would win. It needn't be anything major, maybe some java moss or fern tied to a bit of wood with some thread.

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