Otos In Tank With Mollies

Mom of MnE

Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2011
Reaction score
Tacoma, WA
SO i have been reading up on my oto since i got him from the pet store. The thing i have found are as followed.

1. Otos SHOULD NOT be with Mollies due to mollies and the harder water and otos needing soft water.
2 You should have more then one.
3. 10g tank dose not have enough of the algae they need to eat and its hard for them to compete with faster swimming fish for the algae wafers?
4. Any salt will hurt the oto.
So i guess my main question/thought would be do i return my oto and get something else?!?!? or get another oto? please help me figure out if i have to return it i dont want it to die because of me and i need some advise on what to get then on my 10g tank that will work with Patties and mollies.
I have 6 otos and 4 mollies

All happy :)

And I put apple in every few days for the oto while I'm waiting for my rock to grow algae out side.
do you ever add aquarium salt?
for the apple anything special you do for it? just cut it and throw it in?
should i get another oto or just stick with my 1?
oto's are meant to be in a group of six+.... dunno why I never see mine together but then again they could just be active mainly at night.

I never add salt and never will because I also have Corys

and you just cut a slice and then find something to wedge it down, I use something called a screwcumber, It screws in to your fruit and weighs is down in place, because they wont find it if its floating about.

BUT since your tank is only a 40l I would take it back since getting your numbers up to 6 on a tricky fish to look after, will eat in to your maximum fish allowance ;P
UUUgggghhh ok i feel bad for the lil guy. I called the pet store and told them what they did wrong with the oto and selling it to me. I told them about the salt to.lol. I was pretty mad as i feel really bad for him now. sucks to cause i really like him.
what do you suggest i get to go in my tank then that could handle a lil salt every now and then?
why are you putting salt in?

and I did the same I originally bought 1 oto, 1 cory, 3 neons, 1 molly... all off them need 6+ apart from mollys,
they will be happy enough in normal water as well :cool:

get some mollies of the opposite sex and start your own baby factory but keep it to 2/3f to 1male
right now i have 2 females for my 1 male. I also have 2 females platys. one molly is prego i just dont know when she will pop.lol
well there you have 30+ more fish on the way xD

my molly is also up the duff so I'm waiting for her to drop her load
will the platties and mollies eat the fry?!?!? i dont want to overstock the tank.
not a lot as its a small tank, but i did stick some to float for the fry. Only the strong will survive i guess.lol
if there is somewhere to hide... theres a chance some will make it.. but you could always buy a net or floating box for them
I would but i already spent to much in the last week trying to fix my tank and help the cycle come along due to not being proplerly informed about cycling and such from lfs. I will invest in a bigger tank and net in the next couple months tho. thanks for all the help..

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