Oto's In Community Tank


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Hey folks,
I have a 10 gallon community tank that I am just getting going. i currently have 2 otos, and a betta in it. Should i have more oto's?

I am also thinking of another fish to have, maybe a school of tetras. Any recomendations?

I would be surprised if you can keep a group of Otos alive in a tank that small for any significant length of time.
Pesonally i wouldn't.I've got 5 in a planted 40 Gal, and i still supplement their diet with cucumber.There's only so much algae you can grow.

Don't know much anything about Bettas so can't suggest which tetras, sorry.
Well I wasn't sure if I should add more to make a school, but it seems like you don't think so, so thanks for your advice! I am going to give these two a go, I'll let you know how they do.
Although they would be better in a larger group I give them a better chance in that tank with the 2.

Do let us know how you get on
They are doing ok so far! they don't really hang out with each other, but they seem to be doing fine. i will add some tetras next week I think.
So i just added 3 red wag platies to it. They seem to be doing ok, but maybe freaking out my betta a little bit. we'll see if he gets used to them!

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