Otos And Salt


A True Oddball
Jul 12, 2005
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UK, Nr Chester
I have just setup a bumble bee gobie tank, yay! but I have added two baby oto's to the tank as well.

The question I have is this; The bumble bees prefer brackish water, I know they can survive in fresh water, but one or two of them are looking a little washed out, and I thought maybe due to the lack of salt in the water, so would the Otos be tollerent of salt?
This is not a good mix of fish.
Bumble bee gobies like salt - Definitely avoid salt with Ottos.
Bumble bee gobies like harder alkaline water - Ottos like soft acidic water -
This is not a good mix of fish.
Bumble bee gobies like salt - Definitely avoid salt with Ottos.
Bumble bee gobies like harder alkaline water - Ottos like soft acidic water -

ok cheers, just thought I'd check, not a prob I can move my otos to the tank that I already have some in.
As for adding salt, do you have to use special salt? We have a discussion early this month about BBGs and having done a lot of research into if they should be kept in brackish setups has concluded they do well in both, but their natural habitat it brackish. :good:
I guess this has just changed to a thread for odd balls, lol, oh well :D
Most bumblebee gobies do appear in freshwater. If you look in the Brackish section you will find a bunch of info from Nmonkes who points out that they are more commonly found in freshwater in the wild.

I recall he has even had some success keeping them in soft, acidic water. I have managed to keep BBG and otos in the same tank in slightly alkaline, fairly hard water for a year now without any major problems.

If you do add salt for brackish you have to add marine salt as it has all the other ions and mineral that are missing in table or aquarium salt.
I moved the otos to my planted tank, so the single oto in there has some friends now :D

The BBGs are doing well in their freshwater home, and I've read they are fussy eater, but these are eating frozen bloodworm and catfish pellets without and problems, they are like ravernous wolves when I add food lol.

They great like fish and had no fighting problems yet, fingers crossed.

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