Otos, algae wafers and tiger barbs


New Member
Mar 26, 2005
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Eureka, CA
I picked up some algae wafers for my otos yesterday and the poor guys didn't get much of a chance to even check out the wafers. My tiger barbs all hoarded around the wafer I put in and gobbled it all up. I'm going to try putting in a wafer right before I go to bed tonight since the barbs should be sleeping at that point, but other than that I can't think of an easy way to feed the wafers to the otos.

I've got 3 otos (at the moment) in my 33 gallon tank (stocked with a dwarf gourami, danios, a gold barb and 6 tiger barbs)
break it up into smaller pieces or throw in more than one....only way unless you're gonna seperate the fish somehow
Best to feed them before you go to bed, when the tank lights are out they will find them.
Hi dancinns :)

You might try putting in a piece of blanched zucchini. The otos will enjoy it, but perhaps the barbs might not.

If you have enough plants, there is also the possibility that there is enough algae growing on them that you won't have to supplement their diet. :D

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