Otos-1 Week In The Lfs?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 10, 2011
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Hi. After careful thinking through I am going to purchase a group of three Otos fish tomorrow. The LFS got a fresh delivery on Thursday. I know you should at least wait 4 days before purchasing them but they always sell out quickly. I have waited a month and a half to get some because there dealers moved over Christmas. Phoned up the LFS and they said they are very healthy. I will have a look tomorrow and see if I can spot those round but not to fat stomachs. Water quality is fine and will be doing a 30% water change next week. I have lots of algae but will also purchase some algae wafters and some weed and Java fern. Please comment on what you think. Thanks.
Do not reply unless of course you want to as I thought they all looked very healthy and I purchased 3. Settling in very well. :good:

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