Loony Fish
the title says it all.
ideal for the smaller tank
I'd argue against this. If confronted with, say, a 20 gallon tank, I'd always recommend a single small loricariid such as a bristlenose or clown plec over a school of six Otocinclus. The problem is that Otocinclus are so dependent on good water quality that newbie aquarists simply won't be able to provide that with a 20 gallon system. So even though Otocinclus are small, I'd consider them suitable for nothing smaller than 40 gallons.
Cheers, Neale
ideal for the smaller tank
I think it's the same with every type of fish really, that people need to research the fish before they purchase them.
I have a nice set of 6 Ottos which have recently spawned (see my post in this forum) as I have a high light, co2 injected planted tank. I also supply with cucumber and algae wafers often to keep them nice and fat.
When buying them, I did hear about bad reports of high death levels after purchase, so I made sure that my Ottos were bought from a good LFS who have looked after them whilst they have been in their display tanks.
I prefer them over my previous BN plecs which unfortunately died as they're always active and out and about. Each has it's own personality and I can tell which is which by how they're acting. Some a paired up and some are loners.
I wouldn't recommend them to those without planted tanks with high light as they won't have sufficient natural algae to eat.
have to say i've always loved otto's and have had a reasonable amount of sucess keeping them alive in Ian's planted tank.
The group we had recently died off (old age i think ) and we've decided to get a couple of bristlenoses instead, have to sya I think I'm gonna be converted to BN's over Otto's, great fun to watch, they've totally bulldozed the algae in the tank and seem to be a whole lot hardier than the otto's.
have to say i've always loved otto's and have had a reasonable amount of sucess keeping them alive in Ian's planted tank.
The group we had recently died off (old age i think ) and we've decided to get a couple of bristlenoses instead, have to sya I think I'm gonna be converted to BN's over Otto's, great fun to watch, they've totally bulldozed the algae in the tank and seem to be a whole lot hardier than the otto's.
yes, but does it eat the plants too?