Otocinclus With Angelfish?

i would say it depends on the size of the angels... i wouldnt chance otos with anything over a medium sized angel as im sure it would be eaten! remember angels eat small fish in the wild like neons etc the oto has a similar shape to the neon almost torpedo like so i wouldnt risk it. smaller deep bodied fish might be ok :good: i have small neon rainbows with my angels and they are fine.
Well... I've popped 5 Otos in and tho the Angels seem interested in them nothing has happened. Tho... trying to keep track of the Otos is always ticky so not sure if some have gone missing...

We'll see. :good:
otto's are pretty quick, ive havent yet seen problems with them and angel's, but again it all depends on the size and aggressiveness of the angel's......best of luck

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