So, about a week or two ago, I got myself two otocincluses (otto s), and one immediately went and became shrimp food, but the other one is still clinging to life.
It seems that, no matter what veggies I plunk in there, raw, blanched, boiled soggy, he just won't eat it.
When I first got both ottos, they had red on the sides of their 'faces', and their belly looked a bit inflamed -- not a healthy pink, a real red. He stopped being red for a little while, and actually seemed ok, even venturing into the middle of the tank at times. But now the red is back.
How can I tell if he's not interested in food, because he's eaten his fill on algae, or if he's sick? I've tried cucumber, romaine lettuce, and seaweed strips, so far. I've heard zuchini mentioned often, is zuchini somehow more appetizing than what I've been offering?
I'm quite pleased that he's still alive, and I'd like to keep him that way.
It seems that, no matter what veggies I plunk in there, raw, blanched, boiled soggy, he just won't eat it.
When I first got both ottos, they had red on the sides of their 'faces', and their belly looked a bit inflamed -- not a healthy pink, a real red. He stopped being red for a little while, and actually seemed ok, even venturing into the middle of the tank at times. But now the red is back.
How can I tell if he's not interested in food, because he's eaten his fill on algae, or if he's sick? I've tried cucumber, romaine lettuce, and seaweed strips, so far. I've heard zuchini mentioned often, is zuchini somehow more appetizing than what I've been offering?
I'm quite pleased that he's still alive, and I'd like to keep him that way.