Oto Questions


Fish Addict
Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score
Vancouver WA (US)
ok so im in the process of cycling my 5 gallon tank and when its done I want to keep a dwarf puffer. The reason I post here is that I hear that otos make a good companion with aggressive fish like dwarf puffers. The questions I have are:

-Can I put one in a fully cycled tank 5 Gallon tank?
-If yes then how should I do my ratio, Should i do 1 to 1 (puffer to Oto) or 2 to 1 (2 of either one and 1 of other)
-Do I need anything special for my tank? I have a sand bottom which I understand s good for catfish types
just for the record, otos are best kept in groups of 4 or more, so really require at least a 10 gallon, preferably more. they also require a mature tank/filter. as they can't defend themselves, keeping them with a puffer is likely to cause problems for the otos.

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