Fish Addict
I have 3 otos in my 20 gallon tank along with 5 zebra danios and one platy.
One of the otos is HUGE and the other one is looking rather pudgy to. Here's all 3 side-by-side (how convienent LOL) for comparison ...
Anyway, I'm a little concerned because they've been like this for a while (3 weeks or more). Could they be sick or something, or just full of eggs? The only fish I've ever had fry from are my platys, so I don't really know anything about breeding otos. I assume if they've laid eggs before, they've just been eaten by the danios or something?
Does anyone have any good links to sites about otos, or could you give me any info? I'd love to have lil baby oto fry in my tank. They're such cute fish!
One of the otos is HUGE and the other one is looking rather pudgy to. Here's all 3 side-by-side (how convienent LOL) for comparison ...
Anyway, I'm a little concerned because they've been like this for a while (3 weeks or more). Could they be sick or something, or just full of eggs? The only fish I've ever had fry from are my platys, so I don't really know anything about breeding otos. I assume if they've laid eggs before, they've just been eaten by the danios or something?
Does anyone have any good links to sites about otos, or could you give me any info? I'd love to have lil baby oto fry in my tank. They're such cute fish!