Oto Food?


Fish Gatherer
Oct 10, 2011
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I only got my Otos yesterday & they seem to have settled ok.
I got some algae wafers for them, & today put a bit in, but they've totally ignored it
Someone also said to try zucchini, should that be raw or blanched?
What else might they like as I don't have a huge algae problem in the tank
They do seem to like scrambling over the wood, managed to get a pic of one, excuse the quality as it was taken on my iPad

How long has your tank been running? They do best in more mature tanks. They also like to be in larger numbers, are you planning on getting more of them?
From the picture your otto looks fine, they probably went for the wafer once it was all disintegrated. You will want to blanch the zucchini before adding it to your tank. If you stick it on a fork it will stay at the bottom of your tank. Don't leave it in longer than 12 hours or it will rot in your tank, but I'm pretty sure they will gorge themselves on it!
I'm a new owner of Ottos myself, and I don't think there is anything more you need to give them. As long as you don't assume they will get all they need from your algae in yout tank and substitute with algae wafers and blanched zucchini, and good water conditions they should be fine!!! If I'm wrong I hope someone will chime in and let me know! :unsure:
The tanks been running a few months now, but the filter' from another tank, so is about 12 months.
The wood is also from an older tank, so should have some algae, they seem to spend quite a bit of time on it
They only had 2 in my Lfs, so I 'm planning to get a couple more next week.
I'll try them with some zucchini tomorrow.
I was googling & someone said they like green beans & broccoli, would that be ok for them too?
I only got my Otos yesterday & they seem to have settled ok.
I got some algae wafers for them, & today put a bit in, but they've totally ignored it
Someone also said to try zucchini, should that be raw or blanched?
What else might they like as I don't have a huge algae problem in the tank
They do seem to like scrambling over the wood, managed to get a pic of one, excuse the quality as it was taken on my iPad

Try some cucumbers but make sure that you take them out after a half hour to a hour.
Quick update.
My Oto's love zucchini, the minute I put it in, they're all over it

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