Otis's funky fin


Fish Addict
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Cali
I didn't want to hijack the crowntail thread so I thought I'd better start my own.

Otis (my CT Betta) has a sort of retarded fin. It's mishapen and curved a bit in toward his head. Reminds me of Nemo :nod:

I didn't notice this in the LFS, only after observing him on a daily basis. He has a bit of difficulty swimming straight at times and isn't as sturdy as Cletus. I always try to be extra careful with him.

I don't think there is anything I can do about it, I just wanted to know if you pros could tell me if this is something genetic? Or something else?

im not a pro at this, but i have 7 male bettas and i look at them everyday and every so often their fins are ripped up, im thinking cuz they rub against the fake plants i have in their tank, but they always grow back, but ive never really heard of a fin that looked like that, maybe someone else can answer your question better then i can, but what i would do is take him to the petstore i got him from and maybe they can tell u what's wrong.

your betta's look really nice by the way, i want a crowntail but i cant find them in the petstores
Hey Ry,

It sounds like it is genetic. Couple questions is he very active from the day you got him till now? How's he doing about eat, eatting like a piggy or lost of appetite? Anything else you could tell us would help. :)

Hiya Syn! Yes, he's very active now. For the first week he often would just float around, not swimming much. But since I put him next to Cletus, he's a flaring monster. Never had a problem with appetite, he's a piggy! He and Cletus have never touched each other, never scrapped.

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