other reptiles


Fish Crazy
Jul 23, 2004
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ok, a few of u saw my topic asking about anoles, and now im asking wats the easyest lizard thats cheap and small, all i have is a 10 gal, i think, or a 5, so, can any1 help me?
All lizards have a slight amount of challenge to keeping them and IMHO a 5gallon wouldn't be big enough - a 10 gallon is pushing it as the minimum size for most lizards. We kept our first leopard gecko in a 15 uk gallon tank and he seemed happy enough but we decided to upgrade to a 20G vivarium and he was so much happier and he had room for a friend!!

You need to sit back and think to yourself what sort of thing you want, the size it gets and the care it needs - but as I said I would think about a bigger tank first :nod:
you could keep one or two anoles in a 10 gal (only one male though)......... they'd prefer a tank with height, but you could do it. they are cheap, and easy to care for for the most part. they only need gutloaded crickets and misting of the tank a couple times a day........... the hard part is, they need the uv light (and these bulbs can be expensive, though one will last you about 6 months before it is no longer benficial), and they need a heat light (but most lizards do).

you could also research house geckos, they are usually under $10 US. green tree frogs are cheap too, but like anoles, they are arboreal and would prefer some height, but you could get away with one in a 10 gal. they have more to their diet, but still easy to care for, and don't require a uv light as they are nocturnal.
a single leopard gecko COULD live in a 10 gal, though i personally would want to give one something with a bigger footprint.......... but they have special heat and light needs, as well as feeding. and they aren't always exactly inexpensive.

the best advice i can give is to go to the various shops where you live, write down the reptiles they carry that you like or are in your price range. then get online and RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH. thats what i did, and continue to do when i see something new i like. there are some great reptile forums out there that have caresheets and the users keep all sorts of reptiles so you can read or ask about just about any type.
I did a but load of research before I got my froggies. This was also after my mother in law killed my Red eyed tree frog. Frogs are not good for someone who isn't going to be around, actually most reptiles aren't. I am always around my house (I only work like 5 min) so I can always come home, mist, let the dog out, etc...
Really listen to me and MAM, research, research, research!
You also have to learn from experience ;) I looked at about 15 different sites while looking up info on my yellow throated plated lizard. Not one warned me of gravel ingestion. But mine died to to eating a piece of gravel while grabbing a cricket :( A general rule, is no gravel, sand and bark are good ;)

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