other fish ???

theres not much in the way of tropicals that can go with commons as they are pretty quick and will eat them.
what size is the tank and does it have a heater? what is the temperature if you know?
i think thats got to be one of the most asked questions :crazy: :crazy:

what size is the tank ??? :dunno:

what has the size of the tank got to do with the question at hand ?mixing tropical with coldwater
i could most likely read through the first dozen posts and ill bet my last quid/doller that question is asked on all but a few

to answer the question it can be done with a few of the more hardy breeds of tropical but is never recommended becouse of diet ,ph ,heat, size etc the list goes on but the bottom line is both types of fish need totaly different setups to be kept correctly,the trick is to bring the tempreture down to a level that is both suitable for tropical and coldwater its a very fine balance and best left alone unless you know what your doing

wheres the regs ? paul ,cat ,ryan you lot retired or what ??? :p
i ask for the size of tank because of how much room can be available if the person did want to keep anything else with the fish they have. many people keep gf in small tanks anyway so adding anything else is usually risky if the tank is already overcrowded.
its a basic question in the tropical section so whats the big deal if its asked here?
no big deal apart from no relevance to the question asked and this isnt the tropical section ,theres a pinned topic for all to see regarding fish in small tanks

my fish is ill
what size tank is it in ? :dunno:
ive just bought 2 fish how do i feed them
what size tank are they in ? :dunno:

and so on and so on :crazy:

if someone asks is my tank big enough it wouldnt be so bad

it amazes me that when someone asks a question ,everyone wants to know the tank size and totaly ignores the question asked :nod:

mines 4ft by the way :band: :hyper:

over to you ;)
people with gf dont go to the tropical section to read up on tank size, most will come and post here.

maybe it would be more helpful if there was a box with all the common questions listed so that would stop me or someone else having to ask the same questions over and over.
what would be good is something like:

size of tank and how long has it been running
how often do you change the water and how much
what kind of fish and size, any new fish recently added
water test results, ie ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph
any signs of disease
abnormal behaviour
any water additives and meds used
filtration used
food fed

just basic questions that people can copy and paste then fill in. it only takes a minute or two to do and would help everyone see instantly whats going on, because i would love it if people could fill it in and then i wouldnt have to keep repeating myself like some kind of parrot. :unsure:

and to ask someone if the tank was big enough for them to put in more fish would generate the answer of *yes it is* when really they have two gf in a five gallon

who knows maybe the questions would work in all the forums. :)

over to you ;)
maybe it would be more helpful if there was a box with all the common questions listed

good idea but thats down to the board leaders or admin and no one seems to have seen ryan for a while

but the point remains that tank size is often none relevant to the question asked

im a bit disapointed angel lol i was hoping to get a bit of a debate going :rofl: its been a long time since there was anything like a lively post in the coldwater section
seems my bait didnt work and you didnt bite :rofl: :rofl:

the question of 2 fish in a 5 gallon tank ?whats wrong with it ?many people just starting out with a couple of small fish buy a small tank i did myself and that was some 26 years ago when i won one at the local fair (jaws a common gf)) he ended up being one of the biggest fish in my pond ,as you learn about your fish you improve your equipment, a small tank is fine for short term i still keep one as a hospital tank,

anyway im getting off the point if someone asks about say there black moor gasping for air at the top of the tank ,tank size has bugger all to do with the fact that there fish has swim bladder problems

your turn :grr:
I have my way of getting to the root of problems and you have yours.
To me tank size is relevant to many gf problems as they are often kept in cramped conditions and water quality is 90% to blame. So if i can rule out the tank and its test results as a source of the problem then i can go on and look at something else. I can and do give advice without knowing the size of tank, i just think its relevant to ask when fish are sick or people want to add more fish.
So to the question that started this about adding more tank mates. So if i dont ask what size of tank then i should have just said *yeah add a dozen white cloud minnows and some loaches that should be fine* ? sorry but thats being irresponsible on my part because for all i know she might have 2 gf in a 5 gallon and in a weeks time she could be back asking why her gf are ill or the minnows are dying. Even saying * it depends on the size of the tank * is too vague.

And if a blackmoor has swimming problems then a stable environment is very important as high levels of nitrate can be a factor in this and having a small tank is likely to be more unstable than a bigger one.

For me i like to get the picture of a tank and how its run before i jump in and say you need to do such and such.

sorry if it annoys you, for the future and just for you i will try to refrain from answering any questions which will have me asking the dreaded question *what size is your tank?*

Happy now? :sad:

i too started out with fair won gf some 20 odd years ago and i do know that it's very hard when starting out to get it right and you need to learn as you go but getting the basics right is what we are all here to learn and give advice on. :(
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
trust a scot to bite lol
annoyed me lol no ,just trying to get a heated debate going

tank size apart black moors are now one of the most overbred fish breeds in the uk and this accounts for a lot of there problems,there normaly not right from the offset

re the original question of tankmates ,the size of the tank was irrelevant as you shouldnt mix tropical with coldwater,which made me ask why you asked

9 times out of 10 id say the tank has nothing to do with the problem its more than likely down to bad cycling bad filtration and bad air supply ,a big tank is no good with out any of the aformentioned set up properly and noone seems to ask about them just the tank size

your turn and no low blows i know what you scots are like and no heed butting allowed ;)
thanks for the replies..... seems i stirred you up!!!

the tank is 19 litre, with filter and light.

decided to get more orandas and a black moor.
thats 4 gallons.

now tell me bribones, why i shouldnt have asked for the size of tank?

sorry sazash but the tank isnt big enough for one fancy gf they need at least 8 gallons each to stay healthy, but as they say its your choice. good luck, i'm done with this thread.

oh, i wouldve said bribones, no to the tropicals but that if she had the room then she couldve added half a dozen white cloud mountain minnows but the tank is really only big enough for 4 or 5 small fish,but only after i had asked about the size of tank. if sazash wanted to keep all the fish together then she would need a tank in the region of 16 uk gallons. but as with all gf the bigger the better. :)

so bribones, i think we have a stalemate :*

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