Other Fish To Join My Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Oct 11, 2008
Reaction score
Dumbartonshire, West of Glasgow

i currently have 8 Tiger Barbs and 3 Albino Tigers, which I am going to make 8.
I'm looking for other fish that will be happy with my Barbs. Any fish Will do... may a little bigger then my Tigers... around 10cm long or so????

My tank has been running for about 4 months or so and its 240 litres :D
if you look at my signature you'll see what lives hapily with our tb's & have done for over 5 years. our barbs never bother any other fish, just avoid slow swimming fish with long floaty fins - far to tempting for barbs to have a nip at if they happen to float by . by 10cm fish it depends on what you fish you mean our yoyos are large - prob around 12cm or so but i wouldnt put in an aggressive type fish that could fit a barb in its mouth or they may end up as lunch :)
ooooo nice fish.

hehehehe, Yeah I dont want huge fish. I have thought about some Cory. Loach are bottom fish right? I dont know if they would have room at the bottom of mine :S
What about Gouramis, will they be cool in my tank?
as gouramis are slow moving fish with those dangly feeler things i personally wouldnt recommend it & i have read forum posts over the years where gouramis have been stressed & annoyed by tbs. but i dont have any personal experience of them. loaches do spend most of their lives loafing around the bottom of a tank but are happy with rocks & caves & other crevices & hidey holes to live in. cories are good but you should really have sand as a substrate as they easily get infections in their barbels with rough gravel- saying that hough we have an old boy peppered cory in our big tank who is 7 yrs old ( prob a bit older ) and he and his younger cory pals in our big tank have never had probs but our gravel is smooth & we are planning on changing the tank to a 6ft soon with sand :)
hmm..... Well I have pea gravel, but It might not be smooth enough.
So... Corys and Loach or out. Sand :( but cool, I dont want to get them if they will be unhappy.

So really any fish that doesn't have long fins and that get live with gravel..... cool.
What about Emerald Dwarf Rasboras, the Red Irian (Red Rainbow) and Boesemani Rainbow??
Rainbows fair along fine with tiger barbs. While not being the smartest of fish, they sure are fast and can get out of the way in a hurry. I would stick to the larger rainbows and away from the blue eyes.

Now rainbows will require more maintenance than tiger barbs, but not much. Simply increase your water change frequency to once a week, and change enough of it: 50% or better. Also they should be fed lots of vegetable matter, approximately 70% of their diet. This can easily be achieved by feeding fresh vegetables and using a staple like spirulina flakes, or vegetable flakes. If you have live plants, don't be surprised if you see them taking a bite out of your plants.
i tried feeding veg. before and they little S**Ts never ate a D**M thing!

So the 3 fish I listed will be ok ??? Like the fish... I am not the smartest :D

Also... A few of my Tiger Barbs seem to be facing down in my plants... Like what they do when they sleep... How come?

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