OSTROW!!! Look

I like the look of that 55 saltwater tank shame its in America :/ :(
You guys are sneaky!

Thanks! But I got nowhere to keep a 75 gallon tank!

And saltwater ... I'm not ready for a reef tank. At the rate I snuff fish, I'd be broke in a week!

Seriously, though, thanks. I'm out for a 29 Gallon tank and really, really want the Eclipse hood. I'm nuts about the Eclipse system. Plus, I can take the bio-wheel and avoid cycle hell for the most part. So I'd like to aim 29-30 gallon.

Those tanks you can get new for $70 or so but it is the Eclipse hood that is order to match at a decent rate. That's what made the "deal that fell through" such a drag.
Ostrow, you could use the 55 as a tropical tank, and I might be interested in some of the marine stuff that comes with it to help you defray the cost.
He's doing the salesman talk :sly: just to clarify though GL he claims:

"rock can be brought back from the dead by setting up tank (no fish) and take out half of the was live sand and replace with fresh live sand. let tank run clean with correct salt level ect for 30 to 60 days and you should see little critters running around the bottom this is good. "

Does that mean the critters have survived being dry for a long time ? I understand that the rock can be brought back but the critters are animals must be pretty tough then?
I'm not getting a 55 gallon tank! With our water pressure it'd take 2 1/2 weeks to fill!!! :blink:

Not-too-l-fs out of the Eclipse 29 Combo by Marineland, so they're giving me a 29 gallon glass tank with Eclipse 3 hood for $10 less than they sell the Marineland set. Not bad! These guys also ordered a fish I wanted ... got 100s of em in on my description (Blue Variatus -- orangs/yellow dorsal).

Living Sea Aquarium for those in Chicago area (if any others from Chi. come to this forum...)

Anyway, today or tomorrow off to buy.

Here's a dumb question ... for those with 75+ gallon tanks ... how do you do water changes and fills? Do you run a hose directly from the sink????? Do you have dozens of buckets to take the drained off water???
Will, everything is most certainly dead. Live rock has now turned to base rock and will need cleaning to remove all dead matter from it. The sand is helpful as it is pricey to buy. Just have to add a bag of live stuff. Depending on the type of skimmer that come with it, it is a good deal. But I realize Ostrow does not have much room. I'm still pushy sometimes though, Sorry Oz.

Water changes for large tanks.....

Well Ostrow, I have to add so much top off water for evaporation, that I don't worry about water changes too much. I use a 5 gallon water cooler type jug,(have three of them), to buy RO water, fill, and drain tanks when doing vacuuming.

I had a python system once, and wasn't too impressed by it. When I have to drain a large tank, I just throw one end of a hose into one of Patties flower beds, and siphon away! To fill, I have a NON-TOXIC hose for RV's that I use. It was pricey, but better to be safe than sorry.
Water cooler jug. Good freakin idea. Heavy when full though. But no getting around that.

Not pushy at all, by the way .... keep pushin. Remember I'm only 18 months into this and the first 12 were goldfish! So I am really only about 6 months into tropicals.

My thinking is changing on how to stock this 29 gallon too. Newest:

2 loaches small to start (2" or so)
5 platies/variatus (still like em)
2 rainbows (red most likely) or dwarf cichlids (or rams)
6-8 phantom tetras to join my one neon and one albino/reddish one

That's about 30-31" of fish. I think I can handle that. AS platies bite it, I'll up the numbers of cichlids/rainbows....

Advice on pretty cichlids or rainbows that will go well with the platies and clowns and tetras???????????????
Oz, go into a big grocery store or meijers or what not that sells O water. They have the 5gal jugs there. Two of mine have handles on them to make them easier to work with.
Home Depot 5 gallon bucket, $2.99. Plus, it's orange. Oh. Well, whatever.

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