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Fish Crazy
Oct 7, 2003
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so....tank-sitting my fatherinlaws tank........and all of the sudden there is a problem in the oscar tank. he has had these two fish since they were walmart size (now about 8 inches) and he has always wanted babies. well.....low and behold, he goes out of town and now there are eggs in the tank. the problem, now do i ensure i get babies from these eggs, anything special i should do? the small oscar is gaurding the eggs......so much so i had to move the big one out cause he was all ripped up. the pleco wants to eat them, but the little oscar wont let him get close. should i move the eggs out? after i do, will the oscars get along again? would the oscar eat the babies once they hatch? any advice would be great. i know momma oscar will not be happy living in a 15 gallon for long at all.....shes probally unhappy right now but at least she is alive. i was worried i was going to loose her she looked so bad. thanks guys!
From Fishinth.net

Breeding Information:
Breeding oscars would be easy, except the breeders need large tanks, hold grudges on each other, and produce swarms of young ones that need huge amounts of space. Still interested? A breeding pair of oscars should be given at hte bvare minimum a 100+ tank. The pair should be introduced carefully, and if they fight, must be removed and seperated. After a good match is made(you may have to go through a few fish)...the pair bond often lasts a lifetime, and the fish are excellent parents. A rock will provide a place for the eggs to be layed(several hundred), and the cichlid parents will fan the eggs and care for the young. The young grow rapidly, and soon the only problem is what to do with them all.
If you can, leave whatever fish is guarding the eggs in the tank it is in just now and remove the plec. Or else partition the tank securely and put your other oscar and plec on the other side of the divider from the parent fish. Oscars tend to be good at raising their babies and I think your problem might be finding the space for them all and finding new homes!
It sounds like the female has layed eggs with no male witch is common, if she isnt letting the other oscar near them i wouldnt worry about going out and buying a 100+g tank.

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