

Fish Fanatic
Jun 20, 2011
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ok so been into my fish a while now and im running a nice comunity tank of nearly 350 litre now iv been asked what i wanted for christmas by the other half and iv managed to talk her into a new tank but getting it early as its a secondhand tank im looking at it messures up at 7ft x 2ft x 2ft which according to google will give me nearly 800litres.

now my question is how many oscars could i keep was thinking maybe 2 as dont want to over stock to quickly also what other fish can i put into the same tank i mean will my angel fish mix well or become food can i mix smaller fish with them or do they needed to be same size? i know i carnt go and add tetras in there lol i know they can make a mess if they want but what else would be good stock with them as some will tell iv only just really been thinking of oscars as my lfs has 2 big ones and i do go in to just watch them but know nothing about them hence some of the question are stupid maybe?? i know i wont be stocking for a long time as need to save for new filters and heater so got loads of time to research these guys thanks in advance
hi im new to tff so i wont be as much help as most on here as im fairly new to oscars to

i have to small red tiger oscars which i keep with a jaguar cichlid a 15 inch common pleco a small plec
2x clown loach and a rainbow shark.

oscars are beautiful fish and are basically more like dogs i spend hours staring at mine and its great
having fish you can hand feed, but theres always a but lol they are extremely messy and will eat most
things they can get into there mouths from my experience.

i had a small 19litre tank set up for neons but converted to brackish water for bumblebee gobbies
not thinking i put the 4 neons into my 100g tank as my oscars were only around 3 inchs long and
the neons around 1 inch to then see a tail from the oscars mouth 5 mninutes later.

but all in all i absolutly love my oscars beautiful fish and great pets.

im sure you will get alot better advice soon but just thought i would give you my experience :good:
cheers for the reply any info is great at the moment just one quick thing are you from gloucetershire? just know a lad on another forum with same user name
hi yeah i am from gloucester but not on any other forums where you from. glad i could help
oh right im from tewkesbury but im on jpoc.co.uk which is where i know the one user name from but carnt remember his name just know him as noels brother lol
o right lol no not me very co-insidental though lol is there any good lfs in tewkesbury as i normally travel to maidenhead aquatics in thornbury or bristol but fancy a change but dont want to be disapointed when i get there
no there aint to be honest i find pets at home in chelt aint bad well it 100% compaired to other pets at home but i use aqua jardin which is blooms garden centre in gloucster on way to stonehouse do you know it?


and also there is The Aquatic Habitat on shurddington road which is also close there website is bit crap but shop is lot better and they all know there stuff well

I keep two severum with an oscar and researched it well before I put them in together. They've been together roughly 6 months and all is good.

If you were to buy an oscar I would suggest to get them small. A full grown oscar does look nice but at the same time I believe your missing its growth, from one or two months old to full grown. Mine is around eight inches now and considering they grow at a rough rate of one inch per month it won't be long until they're fully grown. Its a great feeling knowing you got any fish small and you've helped to get it to that size.

Just my opinion.
7/2/2 is a very good size tank if you can get it,just make sure you get some very good filteration, a nice pair of oscars and some bala sharks, it really depends what you fancy the look off,

In my 5/2/2 i had 2xAstronotus ocellatus 1x 12inchfemale Channa pleurophthalma<1x 9-10inch Brycon melanopterus <2x 9-10inch Pink Tail Chalceus<1x 15inch Polypterus Ornatipinnis<4x 8-12inch Balantiocheilus melanopterus which in the end the balas could have done with more space,
oh yeah will be getting small ones i dont like buying fully grown fish half the fun is watching them grow up, iv got a lot of research to do with these im hoping to get 2 oscars and then stocking around them, the filters im going to be running will prob be 2 eheim pro3 600 iv got one in my comunity tank and there rated from 300 to 700 litres as there adjustable and i love the filters so i think 2 of them will easy filter the water then just got to get some more hydor external heaters as im running one of them at moment as well just like the fact i dont have to see my heaters as they can be ugly and ruin the looks on some tank imho just carnt wait at least iv got some time on my side as i might be able to get the tank asap then wont be aloud it till christmas so got a few months to buy filters heaters and background.

i think thats one thing that always gets over looked is ok you might be able to buy a tank cheap but always the extras that cost alot
right so bit more of a up date today i did read the add for the tank wrong its bigger then i thought the tank is 7ft long 2 ft wide and 2.5ft high so in fact the tanks goes from nearly 800 litre to being more closer to 1000 litre :blink:

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