

Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
Long Island, New York
I recently acquired 2 copper/red Oscars. Someone gave me them with a 55g tank. When taking down the tank for transport, I noticed the tank has been neglected. The water was filthy, but the Oscars had no visible sign of disease. I cleaned the tank and set it up at my house. The filter is cycled and ammonia is 0, nitrites 0, and nitrates below 30ppm.

I noticed in the beginning, they weren't eating too much. I even tried live goldfish. BTW, there about 10 inches and the previous owner had them for 3 years. I'm thinking they should be full grown at approx. 14 inches. Since there were no visible signs of bateria, fungal, or external parasites, I'm thinking they may have internal protazoans. Common to discus and angels as well. So I started my medications, Metronidazole. 6 Metro's a day at 500mg each and raised the heat to 85.5 degrees. I feed them frozen silversides and dosed the silversides with a syringe in the frozen silversides mouth and under there gill covers. I even rubbed the Metro all over the silversides bodies. Of course i thawed the silversides first. They would both only eat 1 silverside each.

I treated them for 10 days now and stopped the meds. There appetite is still very limited 1 or 2 large pellets or silversides.

Are these guys permanetly dammaged from their poor up keep from the previous owner? I never seen Oscars with a poor appetite. There known to shove as much as they can in there mouth at ounce.

I would appreciate any input, Thanks in advance.
You could try chopping up some pre-cooked shrimp, just cut the tails off. Mine go absolutely crazy for it.
You can also soak their food in some garlic (minced w/ juice) see if it makes it more appealing to them. Good luck!
You could try chopping up some pre-cooked shrimp, just cut the tails off. Mine go absolutely crazy for it.
You can also soak their food in some garlic (minced w/ juice) see if it makes it more appealing to them. Good luck!

Thanks, for the advice. I heard some good things about garlic but, never actually tried it. I will definetly try it and see how it works out. Thanks, again.

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