

Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2007
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My friend just got 3 oscars and put them in his 29 gallon tank. He says they are 3 inch, 4 inch, and a 4 1/2 inch. He said he will be upgrading to a 150 tank later on. I just want to make sure taht everythign will be alright. Will all three oscars be ok in a 150 gallon tank when they are full grown? Also, he said he wanted to feed them feeder guppies as treats, should he do that (i sent him the link about it) or is there any other treats for oscars.
No i guess they need a bigger tank. U can only have 2 oscars in a 150 gal tank because every oscars needs 75 gal tank.
Think about the full size of these oscars and then imagine three of them in a 150. No where near enough space for them to establish a comfortable territory. Instead of upgrading to a 150 later on, why not re-home two of them and still go with the 150. Better stocking options IMO.

Think about the full size of these oscars and then imagine three of them in a 150. No where near enough space for them to establish a comfortable territory. Instead of upgrading to a 150 later on, why not re-home two of them and still go with the 150. Better stocking options IMO.


Ya i know, but my friend keeps saying dont worry, dont worry, which makes me worry more....
Well, if you tried explaining what the consequences are and your friend still hasn't listened, let him experience it the hard way.
They're his/her fish, right?

I had a friend who had just two oscars in a 29g, and he bought them at the same time. It wasn't even a month from the time that he bought them that one oscar killed the other. Shortly after, he upgraded to a 90g in fear of keeping the oscar alive. Six months later, oscar is doing fine.

It's really kind that you are trying to do the right thing - but some don't want to listen. I remember the first time someone told me I couldn't have a goldfish in a 2g tank - I didn't even want to listen. Within in a month, goldie died.

Quoting Mos Def - "Some people gotta feel it to believe it."

hi there, my partner has two oscars in his 4 1/2 ft tank (150 liters) and they are up to about 9 inches now and are outgrowing their tank so today we've been out to order our 6 1/2 ft tank (800liters), i think that says it all, tell your friend if they like oscars that much to do the right thing by them and just get one!!
if you are starting into the world of oscars get a acount on oscarfish.com you will get alot of helpfull advice
Even with a large tank the equation is off... two of them will most likely pair off and make the other ones life not so fun.. so realisticly, he should see if two pair off and then find the 3rd a new home.
They need a 55 minnimum per fish. They might work in a 159, but i wouldnt try it unless you have a hospital tank ready.
Even with a large tank the equation is off... two of them will most likely pair off and make the other ones life not so fun.. so realisticly, he should see if two pair off and then find the 3rd a new home.


This will be your biggest issue, honestly. All the books I read state that you shouldn't do it this way.

Most state that if you are going to have more 2...have 6, so the aggression is spread around. But, they'll even state that might not solve the aggression should 2 of them gang up on the rest.

I have 1, and he still gets picky with the pleco I have in the same tank. ;)

Like everyone else has said, he will need a bigger tank-they grow big and quickly!!

We used to have oscars and ours loved blood worm and things like that.


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