Oscar's Rate them or Hate them??????

Well,oscars are without any doubt some of the most charming fish anywhere.And it's true,not exactly the most atractive fish but,full of personality and a ton of charisma,oh..did I mentioned that they are concidered amongst the most intelligent fish?
To me they are an 8 or 8.5 out of 10 simply 'cause they are the kings of their tank and nobody,including the owners can tell them how to decorate their space.And then there is the size problem.....
ramesses said:
Well,oscars are without any doubt some of the most charming fish anywhere.And it's true,not exactly the most atractive fish but,full of personality and a ton of charisma,oh..did I mentioned that they are concidered amongst the most intelligent fish?
To me they are an 8 or 8.5 out of 10 simply 'cause they are the kings of their tank and nobody,including the owners can tell them how to decorate their space.And then there is the size problem.....
I like them, but perhaps it's because I've grown attached to mine. :D I like that the minute you walk in the room he's at the glass following you around (totally food driven but I don't care) and that he eats similar to my rotties ;-) (he's a pig plain and simple!) He is on a frozen brine shrimp diet and acts like you're starving him! :rolleyes:

I guess mainly the fact that he acknowledges my existance is neat, and something the smaller fish never did. I also think his colouring is beautiful. :wub:
Not the most attractive fish??

Come on, you have to admit that's gorgeous :p
I'd give them a 9 out of 10. Honestly, I didn't like how they looked at first either, but now I kinda like that big ugly mug... not to mention that my Aristotle has gorgeous colours when he wants to :wub:
They do have fabulous personalities, and I'd absolutely recommend them to anyone wanting to get into fishkeeping and willing to house something that large.
oscars are the best fish in the world!!!Besides angelfish and mollies. Hey Just Kidding but oscars are cool.

Theyre my fave fish in the world lol. I love them. Their personalities are wicked, everything about them is cool. As juveniles theyre gorgeous, as adults less so but if you have an adult oscar that uve had since he/she was a juvenile then to u theyre gorgeous. 10/10, Synirr, that oscar is absolutely gorgeous.

Oscars make great dither fish for larger and more aggressive fish, they can take a beating, recover quickly and are dumb enough to stay in the open and not hide away even when having lumps taken out of them.
gott say hate em there ugly

and lol only cfc would ave stuff bigg enough to use oscar's as dither fish
One_Trick_Pony said:
and lol only cfc would ave stuff bigg enough to use oscar's as dither fish
Haha, I was thinking the exact same thing :p

Mine isn't dumb enough to stay out in the open... months ago when he was much smaller and taking a beating from my midas hybrid he knew good and well that he needed to hide! They get along great (for now) now that he's larger than she is and is the dominant fish.
I Like 'em. I never had any until rescuing 3- 7" oscars from certain death and bringing them home from their hell hole (29 gallon US with 2- albino oscars (7"), 1- regular oscar (7"), 2- JD (4"), and plec (5") do you think that was overstocked ? ) :crazy: :crazy:

Now I am taking the 3 oscars to the LFS tomorrow morning (finally convinced them to take them for their large display tanks)
I have gotten attached in only a couple weeks. They are really funny to watch rearranging gravel and plants until they like it. I did a water change Sunday and smoothed out the gravel again. You should've seen how MAD they were after that. One albino was moving plants like he was soooo pissed. Then they were sucking up gravel and spitting it out elsewhere until you could see the tank bottom again.
Lots of personality but definitely need more room than I can afford. They really follow me around the room looking like they are dying for food too. They don't follow the kids or wife, just me. Like I am the almighty food master. Too funny!

Well, I will miss them but at least get to see them when I go to the LFS to get things.

I think Oscars are among the uglier new world cichlids, and their piggy nature makes these dumb fish come across as smarter then they are.

I think they're great.
I :wub: oscars.

My neighbor has one in a 20 gallon, albeit a younger one, but when he gets too big (which was like, yesterday) she is giving it to me to put in my 55 gallon by himself, which I imagine is a slight improvement...

Big old grumps! 9/10

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