Oscars In Community Tank?


New Member
Mar 17, 2007
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just wondered if oscars can be put into a large community tank? my lfs has a number of them (2") in with tinfoil barbs, gouramis, clown loaches and bala sharks
Depends on lots of things, lots of people keep oscars with other large fish and sometimes fish like convict cichlids, but it really depends on the individual oscar.
The bigger the fish, generaly the more messy it is, so you are going to need a huge tank with some awesome filtration anyway :good:.
Long term keeping oscars in the same tank as your avererage community fish (tetras,barbs etc.) will not be a good idea because the community fish will become the oscars supper. Also oscars need large tanks like a 55 gallon for one oscar. IMO they are better if kept alone or with larger tank mates.
The fish you listed all get large and/or agressive, and most would be fine with a fully grown oscar in a suitably sized tank, though it does depend on the individual fish. Actual small community fish would become lunch for a fully grown oscar. Keep in mind that your LFS is keeping juvenile oscars with what are likely other juvenile fish, you rarely see fully grown clown loaches, tinfoil barbs or bala sharks at the LFS.
A Oscar will thrive in a tank of at least 100gal. Some good tank mates are: Jack Dempsey, Jaguar Cichlid, Red Devil's :D and Parrot Cichlid( but i dont like purchasing those because they are hybrids of selective breeding) :no:
can't keep one in a 'standard' community tank with tetras etc.

however you can do a nice big community tank with big aggressive fish and an oscar fairly easily. tank needs to be 6'x2'x2' minimum really. choose tankmates carefull and get the all as babies if possible.

however some oscars are mean gits and will bully all other tankmates so you should alway be prepared that you may need to house the oscar alone. no way to find out unless you just try it really!!
The general accepted rule for oscars is 1 fish for every 75 gallons. They will do fine short term in smaller tanks but eventually they will get big enough (they grow FAST, trust me on that) and will overload the tank and destroy the ecosystem and die. They are extremely messy fish and create a LOT of waste and I wouldn't recommend them to most people because of that. They require a lot of space and a lot of maintenance and I honestly wish they weren't as easily available as they are because a lot of people buy them without knowing how to care for them, they stick them in tanks that are far too small with too many fish, and it's the oscars that end up paying for our mistakes.
just wondered if oscars can be put into a large community tank? my lfs has a number of them (2") in with tinfoil barbs, gouramis, clown loaches and bala sharks

I keep a large (about 9in)oscar in my tank with some smaller fish but they have all grown up together, that's not to say that this will always be the case and one day he may turn so it is all down to individual fish mine has gone from 2in to 9in in ten months and yes I have installed some major filtration but I think he's worth it but be warned they are high maintenance, enjoy.
I wouldnt say so! I was watching one in the LFS the other day and it was mad! Ramming into the heater,upturning plants,rubbing its nose in the gravel! It was amazing! It ahd such boisterouse personallity!
just wondered if oscars can be put into a large community tank? my lfs has a number of them (2") in with tinfoil barbs, gouramis, clown loaches and bala sharks

I keep a large (about 9in)oscar in my tank with some smaller fish but they have all grown up together, that's not to say that this will always be the case and one day he may turn so it is all down to individual fish mine has gone from 2in to 9in in ten months and yes I have installed some major filtration but I think he's worth it but be warned they are high maintenance, enjoy.

Sorry should have mentioned my oscar will be moving to his new home soon at present it is home to a fully grown tilapia which I rescude from flushing, i had set the tank up for the oscar but this was a bit of an emergency, I did try them together but the oscar was getting pretty beat up, soon I hope to re home the tilapia then my oscar can have his own place.

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